𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕣𝔹𝕠𝕪𝟝𝟚𝟚𝟙'𝕤 ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕦𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕖

Welcome to my Blog (Entry #1: 11/18/23)

Hello and welcome, My Username is DreamerBoy5221, but you can call me Kris. I made this blog because I felt like I needed someplace of my own here on the internet after living in it since forever.

Here Ill share stuff like my music taste, photos and memories, maybe some videos from my Camera recorder (If I get it working again) and a whole bunch of other stuff too like the dreams I have at night!

In the meantime though, heres some stuff I uploaded to youtube to occupy you as I update this page and learn more about HTML code.

Check the links in the sidebar for more things or whatever, most of it will probably just be random links associated with things I do, or not, im still making coding this place.


Nice Day Today (Entry #2: 11/20/23)

Hey again, I got bored and wanted to update the page, so here I am writing this. Yesterday my new camera battery arrived in the mail and my Cam-Corder is fully functional again! so that means ill be able to upload photos and videos I take onto here now, so thats cool.

This entry might be a little short as I dont really have too much to say other than im super duper happy that I got my camera working again- Speaking of which, heres a photo of my keyboard and mouse that I write these entries with. (Taken with my Cam-Corder :D)

Also, im writing this an hour before I go to hang out with some friends at Mcdonalds, so if I take any funny or cool images there ill put them on here later lol (Added photo of my friends after the hangout below.)

(Heres an extra image of me playing Half-Life Deathmatch, Also the only reason I have two monitors is because I found it for 10 bucks)


Happy December. (Entry #3: 12/01/23)

Hi all, looking at the date I now realize its been like 11 days, dag man. I didnt mean to stay away that long I guess I got a little busy. Yeah, crazy busy with school stuff like my robotics class. I got a competition coming up on Sunday I think, heres to hoping our teams win.

Oh yeah, also on my way home two days ago it rained a little and I had my cam-corder with me and took a picture of this sick rainbow that was super close to me. Also sorry that this one is super short, I cant really think of anything else to put here for now. Ill update again after the competition, maybe even get some videos from it on here.
