DreamerBoy5221's Computer Space

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Under Construction!!! ^

Welcome to my Blog (Entry #1: 11/18/23)

Hello and welcome, My Username is DreamerBoy5221, but you can call me Kris! I made this blog because I felt like I needed someplace of my own here on the internet after "living" in it since forever!

Here Ill share stuff like my music taste, photos and memories, maybe some videos from my Camera recorder (If I get it working again[EDIT: I did!!!]) and a whole bunch of other stuff too!

In the meantime though, heres some stuff I uploaded to youtube to occupy you as I update this page and learn more about HTML code.

Check the links in the sidebar for more things or whatever, most of it will probably just be random links associated with things I do, or not, im still making coding this place.


Nice Day Today (Entry #2: 11/20/23)

Hey again, I got bored and wanted to update the page, so here I am writing this. Yesterday my new camera battery arrived in the mail and my Cam-Corder is fully functional again! so that means ill be able to upload photos and videos I take onto here now, so thats cool.

This entry might be a little short, I dont really have too much to say other than im super duper happy that I got my camera working again- Speaking of which, heres a photo of my (now outdated and old) keyboard and mouse that I write these entries with. (Taken with my Cam-Corder :D)

Also, im writing this an hour before I go to hang out with some friends at Mcdonalds, so if I take any funny or cool images there ill put them on here later lol (Added photo of my friends after the hangout below.)


Happy December. (Entry #3: 12/01/23)

Hi all, looking at the date I now realize its been like 11 days, dag man. I didnt mean to stay away that long I guess I got a little busy. Yeah, crazy busy with school stuff like my robotics class. I got a competition coming up on Sunday I think, heres to hoping our teams win.

Oh yeah, also on my way home two days ago it rained a little and I had my cam-corder with me and took a picture of this sick rainbow that was super close to me.


Christmas Eve Cruelty. (Entry #4: 12/24/23)

Hello again to all reading, I just now learned at around 1:45 AM today that a game I was very excited for, called "Revenant Hill" has been cancelled. I am heart broken and the second I understood the situation my heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach, heres the official notice from their website: theglorysociety

In Memory of this cancelled artwork I was going to walk to the park later today to take a few pictures that remind me of "Night in the Woods" which was the game that came out before the one previously mentioned, however as I type this down I realize I have to be at a Holiday dinner soon, so instead ill put here a cool image of a clock in my home. (In other news im really in the Christmas spirit and feeling very joyous, thanks for reading I appreciate it tons.)


The cards have spoken (Entry #5: 12/30/23)

Hey, its me again. I decided to make another entry today because I felt good, I just got home from a tarot card reading from the Psychic Eye Magick shop, that was the first time I was read by a psychic, and it was awesome, I learned a lot about myself and the people around me, and how the future might look, and how I can influence it, stuff like that. I thought it was pretty awesome, she was excited to read the cards for me, which I also thought was super cool

I was also able to get some cool books, like these books on runes, guess im studying runes.


Is anyone there? (Entry #6: 06/08/24)

WOW, okay Hey, Hi its been a hot minute since ive been able to log on here and actually update my blog, It took me FOREVER to get my account back, ive also just been super busy with everything, like family, life in general and high school, WHICH I JUST GRADUATED FROM 2 DAYS AGO NOW!!! Im super, super happy to be done with High School, man, what a pain in the NECK! Ill miss the nice people I met there though, wont miss the weird, edgy and ackward times. Right, also yesterday a couple of my online friends invited me to go with them to Universal Studios since theyre visting me! SO I went and had fun, Ill try maybe adding a video or two in the next post, right now I just want to let everyone know that IM STILL HERE!!!

They also went to my graduation, I never thought my online buds would go so far for me! Thank you Roye, Nathan, and Amber!!! (Also heres a photo I took of my cats sleeping next to each other)


Feels good, man. (Entry #6: 06/26/24)

Hey, how have you been? because ive been great! Ive gained this insatiable Wanderlust recently (Wanderlust is when you wanna go out and do everything and explore the world) and its pretty great, ive been spending so much time with friends, this week alone is very busy, and im only half way through it! I went to Little Tokyo on Sunday, I think I did somethign on monday but I forgot, AND yesterday I went on a forest expedition with some friends to try and find some nice wood so I can chop up a wood sword! Though there wasnt any good wood so we just chopped a couple of logs. Oh, tomorrow too! tomorrow im going to the beach with almost everyone I know! I cant wait to go swimming!

I wish I could do stuff all the time, but today is one of the slow ones. Which gives me time to update this! No photo today since Ive been forgetting my camcorder at home, but I mean hey, you win some you forget some!


Slow days, chugging along. (Entry #7: 07/03/24)

Aaaaaaah, man what a slow week, and the week before that too, I think. Ive been stuck at home playing games and reading books instead of going out and adventureing and im BOOOOORED. I mean its nice to catch up on my interests in stories im invested in but I wanna go out and do stuff, yknow? It seems like im the only guy on earth that has the energy to go out and try new things right now, its super weird.

I hope I can find something fun to do soon, ive been thinking of getting into roller skating, looks fun.
